Source code for pfhedge.nn.modules.hedger

from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Module
from torch.optim import Adam
from torch.optim import Optimizer

# error: Skipping analyzing "tqdm": found module but no type hints or library stubs
from tqdm import tqdm  # type: ignore

from pfhedge._utils.hook import save_prev_output
from pfhedge._utils.lazy import has_lazy
from pfhedge._utils.operations import ensemble_mean
from pfhedge._utils.str import _format_float
from pfhedge._utils.typing import TensorOrScalar
from pfhedge.features import FeatureList
from pfhedge.features._base import Feature
from pfhedge.instruments.base import BaseInstrument
from pfhedge.instruments.derivative.base import BaseDerivative
from pfhedge.nn.functional import pl

from .loss import EntropicRiskMeasure
from .loss import HedgeLoss

[docs]class Hedger(Module): """Module to hedge and price derivatives. References: - Buehler, H., Gonon, L., Teichmann, J. and Wood, B., 2019. Deep hedging. Quantitative Finance, 19(8), pp.1271-1291. [arXiv:`1802.03042 <>`_ [q-fin]] Args: model (torch.nn.Module): Hedging model to compute the hedge ratio at the next time step from the input features at the current time step. The input and output shapes should be :math:`(N, F)` and :math:`(N, H)` respectively, where :math:`N` stands for the number simulated paths of the asset prices and :math:`F` is the number of input features (``len(inputs)``), and :math:`H` is the number of hedging instruments. inputs (list[str|Feature]): List of the names of the input features that will be fed to the model. See :func:`pfhedge.features.list_feature_names` for available feature names and see :ref:`features` for the details of features. criterion (HedgeLoss, default=EntropicRiskMeasure()): Loss function to minimize by hedging. Default: :class:`pfhedge.nn.EntropicRiskMeasure()` . Shape: - input: :math:`(N, F)` where :math:`N` is the number of simulated paths and :math:`F` is the number of input features. - output: :math:`(N, H)` where :math:`H` is the number of hedging instruments. Examples: A hedger that uses Black-Scholes' delta hedging strategy. See :class:`pfhedge.nn.BlackScholes` for details of the module. >>> from pfhedge.instruments import BrownianStock >>> from pfhedge.instruments import EuropeanOption >>> from pfhedge.nn import BlackScholes >>> from pfhedge.nn import Hedger ... >>> derivative = EuropeanOption(BrownianStock(cost=1e-4)) >>> model = BlackScholes(derivative) >>> hedger = Hedger(model, model.inputs()) >>> hedger Hedger( inputs=['log_moneyness', 'time_to_maturity', 'volatility'] (model): BSEuropeanOption(strike=1.) (criterion): EntropicRiskMeasure() ) A hedger that uses Whalley-Wilmott's no-transaction-band strategy. See :class:`pfhedge.nn.WhalleyWilmott` for details of the module. >>> from pfhedge.nn import WhalleyWilmott >>> >>> model = WhalleyWilmott(derivative) >>> hedger = Hedger(model, model.inputs()) >>> hedger Hedger( inputs=['log_moneyness', 'time_to_maturity', 'volatility', 'prev_hedge'] (model): WhalleyWilmott( (bs): BSEuropeanOption(strike=1.) ) (criterion): EntropicRiskMeasure() ) A hedger that takes naked positions (never hedge at all). See :class:`pfhedge.nn.Naked` for details of the module. >>> from pfhedge.nn import Naked >>> >>> hedger = Hedger(Naked(), ["empty"]) A hedger represented by a neural network (Deep Hedging). See :class:`pfhedge.nn.MultiLayerPerceptron` for details of the module. >>> from pfhedge.nn import MultiLayerPerceptron >>> >>> model = MultiLayerPerceptron() >>> hedger = Hedger(model, ["moneyness", "time_to_maturity", "volatility"]) >>> derivative.simulate(n_paths=1) >>> _ = hedger.compute_pl(derivative) # Lazily materialize >>> hedger Hedger( inputs=['moneyness', 'time_to_maturity', 'volatility'] (model): MultiLayerPerceptron( (0): Linear(in_features=3, out_features=32, bias=True) (1): ReLU() (2): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=32, bias=True) (3): ReLU() (4): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=32, bias=True) (5): ReLU() (6): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=32, bias=True) (7): ReLU() (8): Linear(in_features=32, out_features=1, bias=True) (9): Identity() ) (criterion): EntropicRiskMeasure() ) >>> history =, n_paths=1, n_epochs=1, verbose=False) >>> hedger.price(derivative) tensor(...) It is possible to hedge a derivative with another listed derivative by ``list()`` method. >>> from pfhedge.instruments import LookbackOption >>> from pfhedge.nn import BlackScholes >>> >>> pricer = lambda derivative: BlackScholes(derivative).price( ... log_moneyness=derivative.log_moneyness(), ... time_to_maturity=derivative.time_to_maturity(), ... volatility=derivative.ul().volatility) >>> >>> stock = BrownianStock() >>> hedging_instrument = EuropeanOption(stock, maturity=5/250) >>> hedging_instrument.list(pricer, cost=1e-4) >>> derivative = LookbackOption(stock) >>> >>> hedger = Hedger( ... MultiLayerPerceptron(), ... inputs=["moneyness", "time_to_maturity", "volatility"]) >>> _ = ... derivative, ... hedge=[hedging_instrument], ... n_paths=1, ... n_epochs=1, ... verbose=False) >>> hedger.price(derivative) tensor(...) Hedging a derivative with multiple instruments. >>> from pfhedge.instruments import HestonStock >>> from pfhedge.instruments import EuropeanOption >>> from pfhedge.instruments import VarianceSwap >>> from pfhedge.nn import BlackScholes >>> >>> _ = torch.manual_seed(42) >>> stock = HestonStock(cost=1e-4) >>> option = EuropeanOption(stock) >>> varswap = VarianceSwap(stock) >>> pricer = lambda varswap: varswap.ul().variance - varswap.strike >>> varswap.list(pricer, cost=1e-4) >>> hedger = Hedger( ... MultiLayerPerceptron(3, 2), ... inputs=["moneyness", "time_to_maturity", "volatility"]) >>> hedger.price(option, hedge=[stock, varswap], n_paths=2) tensor(...) """ inputs: FeatureList def __init__( self, model: Module, inputs: List[Union[str, Feature]], criterion: HedgeLoss = EntropicRiskMeasure(), ) -> None: super().__init__() self.model = model self.inputs = FeatureList(inputs) self.criterion = criterion self.register_forward_hook(save_prev_output)
[docs] def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Returns the outout of ``self.model``. The output represents the hedge ratio at the next time step. """ return self.model(input)
def extra_repr(self) -> str: return "inputs=" + str(self.inputs)
[docs] def get_input(self, derivative: BaseDerivative, time_step: Optional[int]) -> Tensor: """Returns the input tensor to the model at the given time step. Note: This method assumes that a derivative is already registered to the features. If self has not yet hedged a derivative, run a placeholder computation ``_ = self.compute_pnl(derivative, n_paths=1)`` before calling this method. Args: derivative (BaseDerivative): The derivative used for getting the input. time_step (int, optional): The time step to get the input tensor. If ``None`` an input tensor for all time steps is returned. Shape: - Output: :math:`(N, T, F)` where :math:`N` is the number of paths, :math:`T` is the number of time steps, and :math:`F` is the number of input features. If ``time_step`` is specified, :math:`T = 1`. Returns: torch.Tensor Examples: >>> from pfhedge.instruments import BrownianStock >>> from pfhedge.instruments import EuropeanOption >>> from pfhedge.nn import Naked ... >>> derivative = EuropeanOption(BrownianStock()) >>> derivative.simulate() >>> hedger = Hedger(Naked(), ["time_to_maturity", "volatility"]) >>> _ = hedger.compute_pnl(derivative, n_paths=1) # Materialize features >>> hedger.get_input(derivative, 0) tensor([[[0.0800, 0.2000]]]) """ return self.inputs.of(derivative=derivative).get(time_step)
def _get_hedge( self, derivative: BaseDerivative, hedge: Optional[List[BaseInstrument]] ) -> List[BaseInstrument]: if hedge is None: hedge = list(derivative.underliers()) return hedge
[docs] def compute_hedge( self, derivative: BaseDerivative, hedge: Optional[List[BaseInstrument]] = None ) -> Tensor: """Compute the hedge ratio at each time step. This method assumes that the derivative is already simulated. Args: derivative (BaseDerivative): The derivative to hedge. hedge (list[BaseInstrument], optional): The hedging instruments. If ``None`` (default), use ``derivative.underliers``. Shape: - output: :math:`(N, H, T)` where :math:`N` is the number of paths, :math:`H` is the number of hedging instruments, and :math:`T` is the number of time steps. Returns: torch.Tensor Examples: >>> from pfhedge.instruments import BrownianStock >>> from pfhedge.instruments import EuropeanOption >>> from pfhedge.nn import BlackScholes ... >>> _ = torch.manual_seed(42) >>> derivative = EuropeanOption(BrownianStock(), maturity=5/250) >>> derivative.simulate(n_paths=2) >>> derivative.ul().spot tensor([[1.0000, 1.0016, 1.0044, 1.0073, 0.9930, 0.9906], [1.0000, 0.9919, 0.9976, 1.0009, 1.0076, 1.0179]]) >>> model = BlackScholes(derivative) >>> hedger = Hedger(model, model.inputs()) >>> hedger.compute_hedge(derivative).squeeze(1) tensor([[0.5056, 0.5295, 0.5845, 0.6610, 0.2918, 0.2918], [0.5056, 0.3785, 0.4609, 0.5239, 0.7281, 0.7281]]) """ inputs = self.inputs.of(derivative, self) hedge = self._get_hedge(derivative, hedge) # Check that the spot prices of the hedges have the same sizes if not all( == hedge[0].spot.size() for h in hedge): raise ValueError("The spot prices of the hedges must have the same size") (n_paths, n_steps), n_hedges = hedge[0].spot.size(), len(hedge) if inputs.is_state_dependent(): zeros = hedge[0].spot.new_zeros((n_paths, 1, n_hedges)) save_prev_output(self, input=(), output=zeros) outputs = [] for time_step in range(n_steps - 1): input = inputs.get(time_step) # (N, T=1, F) outputs.append(self(input)) # (N, T=1, H) outputs.append(outputs[-1]) output =, dim=-2) # (N, T, H) else: # If all features are state-independent, compute the output at all # time steps at once, which would be faster. input = inputs.get(None) # (N, T, F) output = self(input) # (N, T, H) # This maintains consistency with the previous implementations. # In previous implementation for loop is computed for 0...T-2 and # the last time step is not included. output[..., -1, :] = output[..., -2, :] output = output.transpose(-1, -2) # (N, H, T) return output
[docs] def compute_portfolio( self, derivative: BaseDerivative, hedge: Optional[List[BaseInstrument]] = None ) -> Tensor: r"""Compute terminal value of the hedging portfolio. See :func:``, with :math:`Z` being substituted with 0, for the expression of the terminal value of the hedging portfolio. This method assumes that the derivative is already simulated. Args: derivative (BaseDerivative): The derivative to hedge. hedge (BaseInstrument, optional): The hedging instrument. If ``None`` (default), use ``derivative.underlier``. Shape: - output: :math:`(N)` where :math:`N` is the number of paths. Returns: torch.Tensor """ hedge = self._get_hedge(derivative, hedge) spot = torch.stack([ for h in hedge], dim=1) unit = self.compute_hedge(derivative, hedge=hedge) cost = [h.cost for h in hedge] return pl(spot=spot, unit=unit, cost=cost)
[docs] def compute_pl( self, derivative: BaseDerivative, hedge: Optional[List[BaseInstrument]] = None ) -> Tensor: """Returns the terminal portfolio value after hedging a given derivative. This method assumes that the derivative is already simulated. See :func:`pfhedge.nn.functional.terminal_value` for the expression of the terminal portfolio value after hedging a derivative. Args: derivative (BaseDerivative): The derivative to hedge. hedge (list[BaseInstrument], optional): The hedging instruments. If ``None`` (default), use ``[derivative.underlier]``. n_paths (int, default=1000): The number of simulated price paths of the underlying instrument. init_state (tuple[torch.Tensor | float], optional): The initial state of the underlying instrument of the derivative. If ``None`` (default), it uses the default value. Shape: - Output: :math:`(N)` where :math:`N` is the number of paths. Returns: torch.Tensor Examples: >>> from pfhedge.instruments import BrownianStock >>> from pfhedge.instruments import EuropeanOption >>> from pfhedge.nn import BlackScholes >>> from pfhedge.nn import Hedger ... >>> derivative = EuropeanOption(BrownianStock()) >>> derivative.simulate(n_paths=2) >>> model = BlackScholes(derivative) >>> hedger = Hedger(model, model.inputs()) >>> hedger.compute_pl(derivative) tensor([..., ...]) """ hedge = self._get_hedge(derivative, hedge) spot = torch.stack([ for h in hedge], dim=1) unit = self.compute_hedge(derivative, hedge=hedge) cost = [h.cost for h in hedge] return pl(spot=spot, unit=unit, cost=cost, payoff=derivative.payoff())
[docs] def compute_pnl( self, derivative: BaseDerivative, hedge: Optional[List[BaseInstrument]] = None, n_paths: int = 1000, init_state: Optional[Tuple[TensorOrScalar, ...]] = None, ) -> Tensor: """(deprecated) Simulates derivative and computes profit loss by :meth:`compute_pl`.""" # TODO(simaki): Raise DeprecationWarning later derivative.simulate(n_paths=n_paths, init_state=init_state) return self.compute_pl(derivative=derivative, hedge=hedge)
[docs] def compute_loss( self, derivative: BaseDerivative, hedge: Optional[List[BaseInstrument]] = None, n_paths: int = 1000, n_times: int = 1, init_state: Optional[Tuple[TensorOrScalar, ...]] = None, enable_grad: bool = True, ) -> Tensor: """Returns the value of the criterion for the terminal portfolio value after hedging a given derivative. This method basically computes ``self.criterion(pl)`` where ``pl`` is given by :meth:`compute_pl`. Args: derivative (BaseDerivative): The derivative to hedge. hedge (list[BaseInstrument], optional): The hedging instruments. If ``None`` (default), use ``[derivative.underlier]``. n_paths (int, default=1000): The number of simulated price paths of the underlying instrument. n_times (int, default=1): If ``n_times > 1``, returns the ensemble mean of the losses computed through multiple simulations. init_state (tuple, optional): The initial price of the underlying instrument of the derivative. If ``None`` (default), it uses the default value of the underlying instrument. enable_grad (bool, default=True): Context-manager that sets gradient calculation to on or off. Shape: - Output: :math:`()` Returns: torch.Tensor Examples: >>> from pfhedge.instruments import BrownianStock >>> from pfhedge.instruments import EuropeanOption >>> from pfhedge.nn import BlackScholes >>> from pfhedge.nn import Hedger ... >>> derivative = EuropeanOption(BrownianStock()) >>> model = BlackScholes(derivative) >>> hedger = Hedger(model, model.inputs()) >>> hedger.compute_loss(derivative, n_paths=2) tensor(...) One can use PyTorch built-in loss functions, such as the mean squared loss :class:`torch.nn.MSELoss`, as criteria. Then the criterion measures the loss between the hedging portfolio (cf. :meth:`compute_portfolio`) as ``input`` and the payoff of the derivative as ``target``. >>> from torch.nn import MSELoss ... >>> _ = torch.manual_seed(42) >>> derivative = EuropeanOption(BrownianStock()) >>> model = BlackScholes(derivative) >>> hedger = Hedger(model, model.inputs(), criterion=MSELoss()) >>> hedger.compute_loss(derivative, n_paths=10) tensor(...) """ with torch.set_grad_enabled(enable_grad): def _get_loss(): derivative.simulate(n_paths=n_paths, init_state=init_state) portfolio = self.compute_portfolio(derivative, hedge=hedge) return self.criterion(portfolio, derivative.payoff()) mean_loss = ensemble_mean(_get_loss, n_times=n_times) return mean_loss
def _configure_optimizer( self, derivative: BaseDerivative, optimizer: Union[Optimizer, Callable[..., Optimizer]], ) -> Optimizer: if not isinstance(optimizer, Optimizer): if has_lazy(self): # Run a placeholder forward to initialize lazy parameters derivative.simulate(n_paths=1) _ = self.compute_pl(derivative) # If we use `if issubclass(optimizer, Optimizer)` here, mypy thinks that # optimizer is Optimizer rather than its subclass (e.g. Adam) # and complains that the required parameter default is missing. if Optimizer in getattr(optimizer, "__mro__", []): optimizer = optimizer(self.model.parameters()) else: raise TypeError("optimizer is not an Optimizer type") return optimizer
[docs] def fit( self, derivative: BaseDerivative, hedge: Optional[List[BaseInstrument]] = None, n_epochs: int = 100, n_paths: int = 1000, n_times: int = 1, optimizer: Union[Optimizer, Callable[..., Optimizer]] = Adam, init_state: Optional[Tuple[TensorOrScalar, ...]] = None, verbose: bool = True, validation: bool = True, tqdm_kwargs: dict = {}, ) -> Optional[List[float]]: """Fit the hedging model to hedge a given derivative. The training is performed so that the hedger minimizes ``criterion(pl)`` where ``pl`` is given by :meth:`compute_pl`. It returns the training history, that is, validation loss after each simulation. Args: derivative (BaseDerivative): The derivative to hedge. hedge (list[BaseInstrument], optional): The hedging instruments. If ``None`` (default), use ``[derivative.underlier]``. n_epochs (int, default=100): Number of Monte-Carlo simulations. n_paths (int, default=1000): The number of simulated price paths of the underlying instrument. n_times (int, default=1): If ``n_times > 1``, returns the ensemble mean of the losses computed through multiple simulations. optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer, default=Adam): The optimizer algorithm to use. It can be an instance or a class of :class:`torch.optim.Optimizer`. init_state (tuple, optional): The initial price of the underlying instrument of the derivative. If ``None`` (default), sensible default value is used. verbose (bool, default=True): If ``True``, print progress of the training to standard output. validation (bool, default=True): If ``False``, skip the computation of the validation loss and returns ``None``. tqdm_kwargs (dict, default={}): Keyword argument passed to ``tqdm.__init__`` to customize the progress bar. Returns: list[float] Examples: >>> from pfhedge.instruments import BrownianStock >>> from pfhedge.instruments import EuropeanOption >>> from pfhedge.nn import MultiLayerPerceptron ... >>> derivative = EuropeanOption(BrownianStock()) >>> model = MultiLayerPerceptron() >>> hedger = Hedger(model, ["moneyness", "time_to_maturity", "volatility"]) >>> history =, n_paths=1, n_epochs=1, verbose=False) One can use a custom optimizer as follows. >>> from pfhedge.instruments import BrownianStock >>> from pfhedge.instruments import EuropeanOption >>> from pfhedge.nn import MultiLayerPerceptron >>> from torch.optim import SGD ... >>> derivative = EuropeanOption(BrownianStock()) >>> hedger = Hedger(MultiLayerPerceptron(), ["empty"]) >>> # Run a placeholder forward to initialize lazy parameters >>> _ = hedger.compute_pnl(derivative, n_paths=1) >>> _ = ... derivative, ... optimizer=SGD(hedger.parameters(), lr=0.1), ... n_epochs=1, ... verbose=False) One can also pass a class object of an optimizer. The optimizer will be initialized as ``Adadelta(hedger.parameters())``. >>> from torch.optim import Adadelta ... >>> derivative = EuropeanOption(BrownianStock()) >>> hedger = Hedger(MultiLayerPerceptron(), ["empty"]) >>> _ = ... derivative, ... optimizer=Adadelta, ... n_epochs=1, ... verbose=False) """ optimizer = self._configure_optimizer(derivative, optimizer) def compute_loss(**kwargs: Any) -> Tensor: return self.compute_loss( derivative, hedge=hedge, n_paths=n_paths, init_state=init_state, **kwargs, ) history = [] progress = tqdm(range(n_epochs), disable=not verbose, **tqdm_kwargs) for _ in progress: # Compute training loss and backpropagate self.train() optimizer.zero_grad() loss = compute_loss() loss.backward() optimizer.step() # Compute validation loss if validation: self.eval() loss = compute_loss(n_times=n_times, enable_grad=False) history.append(loss.item()) progress.desc = "Loss=" + _format_float(float(loss.item())) return history if validation else None
[docs] def price( self, derivative: BaseDerivative, hedge: Optional[List[BaseInstrument]] = None, n_paths: int = 1000, n_times: int = 1, init_state: Optional[Tuple[TensorOrScalar, ...]] = None, enable_grad: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: """Evaluate the premium of the given derivative. Args: derivative (BaseDerivative): The derivative to price. hedge (list[BaseInstrument], optional): The hedging instruments. If ``None`` (default), use ``[derivative.underlier]``. n_paths (int, default=1000): The number of simulated price paths of the underlying instrument. n_times (int, default=1): If ``n_times > 1``, returns the ensemble mean of the losses computed through multiple simulations. init_state (tuple, optional): The initial price of the underlying instrument of the derivative. If ``None`` (default), it uses the default value of the underlying instrument. enable_grad (bool, default=False): Context-manager that sets gradient calculation to on or off. Shape: - Output: :math:`()` Returns: torch.Tensor Examples: >>> from pfhedge.instruments import BrownianStock >>> from pfhedge.instruments import EuropeanOption >>> from pfhedge.nn import BlackScholes >>> from pfhedge.nn import Hedger ... >>> derivative = EuropeanOption(BrownianStock()) >>> model = BlackScholes(derivative) >>> hedger = Hedger(model, model.inputs()) >>> hedger.price(derivative, n_paths=2) tensor(...) """ with torch.set_grad_enabled(enable_grad): def _get_price(): derivative.simulate(n_paths=n_paths, init_state=init_state) portfolio = self.compute_portfolio(derivative, hedge) # Negative because selling return, target=derivative.payoff()) mean_price = ensemble_mean(_get_price, n_times=n_times) return mean_price