Source code for pfhedge.instruments.derivative.lookback

from typing import Optional

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from pfhedge._utils.doc import _set_attr_and_docstring
from pfhedge._utils.doc import _set_docstring
from pfhedge._utils.str import _format_float
from pfhedge.nn.functional import lookback_payoff

from ..primary.base import BasePrimary
from .base import BaseDerivative
from .base import OptionMixin

[docs]class LookbackOption(BaseDerivative, OptionMixin): r"""Lookback option with fixed strike. The payoff of a lookback call option is given by .. math:: \mathrm{payoff} = \max(\mathrm{Max} - K, 0) , where :math:`\mathrm{Max}` is the maximum of the underlier's spot price until maturity and :math:`K` is the strike. The payoff of a lookback put option is given by .. math:: \mathrm{payoff} = \max(K - \mathrm{Min}, 0) , where :math:`\mathrm{Max}` is the minimum of the underlier's spot price until maturity. .. seealso:: - :func:`pfhedge.nn.functional.lookback_payoff` Args: underlier (:class:`BasePrimary`): The underlying instrument of the option. call (bool, default=True): Specifies whether the option is call or put. strike (float, default=1.0): The strike price of the option. maturity (float, default=20/250): The maturity of the option. Attributes: dtype (torch.dtype): The dtype with which the simulated time-series are represented. device (torch.device): The device where the simulated time-series are. Examples: >>> import torch >>> from pfhedge.instruments import BrownianStock >>> from pfhedge.instruments import LookbackOption >>> >>> _ = torch.manual_seed(42) >>> derivative = LookbackOption(BrownianStock(), maturity=5/250) >>> derivative.simulate(n_paths=2) >>> tensor([[1.0000, 1.0016, 1.0044, 1.0073, 0.9930, 0.9906], [1.0000, 0.9919, 0.9976, 1.0009, 1.0076, 1.0179]]) >>> derivative.payoff() tensor([0.0073, 0.0179]) """ def __init__( self, underlier: BasePrimary, call: bool = True, strike: float = 1.0, maturity: float = 20 / 250, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.register_underlier("underlier", underlier) = call self.strike = strike self.maturity = maturity # TODO(simaki): Remove later. Deprecated for > v0.12.3 if dtype is not None or device is not None:, device=device) raise DeprecationWarning( "Specifying device and dtype when constructing a Derivative is deprecated." "Specify them in the constructor of the underlier instead." ) def extra_repr(self) -> str: params = [] if not params.append("call=" + str( params.append("strike=" + _format_float(self.strike)) params.append("maturity=" + _format_float(self.maturity)) return ", ".join(params) def payoff_fn(self) -> Tensor: return lookback_payoff(self.ul().spot,, strike=self.strike)
# Assign docstrings so they appear in Sphinx documentation _set_attr_and_docstring(LookbackOption, "simulate", BaseDerivative.simulate) _set_attr_and_docstring(LookbackOption, "to", _set_attr_and_docstring(LookbackOption, "ul", BaseDerivative.ul) _set_attr_and_docstring(LookbackOption, "list", BaseDerivative.list) _set_docstring(LookbackOption, "payoff", BaseDerivative.payoff) _set_attr_and_docstring(LookbackOption, "moneyness", OptionMixin.moneyness) _set_attr_and_docstring(LookbackOption, "log_moneyness", OptionMixin.log_moneyness) _set_attr_and_docstring( LookbackOption, "time_to_maturity", OptionMixin.time_to_maturity )